Pregnancy Pathway

Pregnancy Pathway, introduction

Please refer to the Preg­nan­cy Path­way chart in the Feb­ru­ary 5, 2009 entry. Dur­ing preg­nan­cy, there are some fac­tors with­in our con­trol and some that are not. The Preg­nan­cy Path­way, designed by Danc­ing Thru Preg­nan­cy® founder and Yale Uni­ver­si­ty Move­ment Spe­cial­ist Ann Cowl­in, and Cer­ti­fied Nurse Mid­wife Robyn Bran­ca­to, is intend­ed to describe the flow of fac­tors that influ­ence preg­nan­cy and its out­come.

In the weeks to come, we will focus on indi­vid­ual areas. Our goal is to help women under­stand how they can opti­mize their preg­nan­cy by focus­ing on what they can con­trol that results in ben­e­fi­cial out­comes.

Ann and Robyn are also found­ing mem­bers of the Wom­en’s Health Fit­ness Insti­tute, a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion whose mis­sion is research and pub­lic edu­ca­tion out­reach in wom­en’s health fit­ness. Our com­ments for this blog are based on sci­en­tif­ic evi­dence and 30 years of track­ing indi­vid­ual preg­nan­cy out­comes from women through­out the world. Some entries will include ref­er­ences to the rel­e­vant stud­ies.

By help­ing women under­stand what endeav­ors are effec­tive in pro­duc­ing ben­e­fits for moth­ers and their off­spring, we hope to aid moms-to-be and those con­sid­er­ing preg­nan­cy to be ful­ly present and active in the empow­er­ing process of becom­ing a moth­er.


Construction Underway

Danc­ing Thru Preg­nan­cy®, Inc. is ren­o­vat­ing! In the weeks to come you will find the lat­est infor­ma­tion on preg­nan­cy exer­cise and post­par­tum mom/baby exer­cise. What’s safe, what’s NOT! What is effec­tive — accord­ing to the evi­dence, not just what hap­pened to your neigh­bor (which is inter­est­ing, but won’t hap­pen to you)!

You’ll also find out what we have learned in 30 years of work­ing with moms-to-be and new moms. For exam­ple, how much car­dio­vas­cu­lar con­di­tion­ing you need to do if you real­ly want to have a healthy preg­nan­cy, or what you must do if you want to learn to relax at will. And, we’ll dis­cuss why some activ­i­ties — such as yoga — are impos­si­ble to exam­ine for their effect.

An ACTIVE lifestyle is crit­i­cal to a healthy preg­nan­cy, so even if  you aren’t preg­nant now, con­sid­er what you can do to become a dynam­ic — and relaxed — mom!
