Coupons, Free Classes, Gift Certificates

Pregnancy Fitness & Mom-Baby Fitness are gifts of health!


Yale and greater New Haven area First Class Free: If you would like to take a first class free, check the Sched­ulethen attend the class of your choice. Noti­fy the instruc­tor that you are attend­ing for the first time.


Prepare for birth

DTP Fitness + Spinning Babies



DTP® Total Preg­nan­cy Fit­ness is a twice week­ly class for moms-to-be includ­ing mind­ful­ness, breath­ing, relax­ation, strength, flex­i­bil­i­ty and car­dio fit­ness that helps you work with your body, enhance your endurance and increase body trust for birth. Class­es meet at the Yale Health Cen­ter, 55 Lock Street, New Haven, on Mon­days & Wednes­days 5:30–6:30 p.m. and Payne Whit­ney Gym at Yale, 70 Tow­er Park­way, Tues­days & Thurs­days 11:30 a.m. — 12:30 p.m. When you reg­is­ter, we will con­firm with­in 2–3 days at your Pay­Pal asso­ci­at­ed email.

The Spin­ning Babies® Par­ent Course is a sin­gle class for mom and part­ner that high­lights your baby’s active role in birth, pro­vid­ing tech­niques to help your pelvis, mus­cles and con­nec­tive tis­sue cre­ate open­ness of your pelvic spaces for baby’s pas­sage. Class meets one Mon­day a month 6:30–9:00 at the Edu­ca­tion wing of the Old Stone Church, 251 Main Street, East Haven. Reg­is­ter for spe­cif­ic date of your choice.

Both of these pro­grams have long-stand­ing pos­i­tive his­to­ries, with excel­lent out­comes for par­tic­i­pants.

More info on DTP at

More info on Spin­ning Babies at



A $65 DTP Gift Cer­tifi­cate pro­vides a month of Total Preg­nan­cy Fit­ness or Mom-Baby Fit­ness class­es. The Gift Cer­tifi­cate is valid for unlim­it­ed atten­dance at Yale loca­tions for one month. Preg­nan­cy always comes at the most won­der­ful time of the year — give a DTP Fit­ness Gift Cer­tifi­cate to your favorite mom-to-be or new mom for a spe­cial gift!

  • Group move­ment pro­vides phys­i­cal and social ben­e­fits and is a per­fect gift of health. 
  • Or maybe you need an amaz­ing gift for an upcom­ing baby show­er?
  • How about a unique and valu­able birth­day gift for a mom-to-be?

When you pur­chase a gift cer­tifi­cate, we will con­tact you at your Pay­Pal asso­ci­at­ed email with­in 2–3 days to con­firm. Cer­tifi­cate is emailed to pur­chas­er with­in anoth­er day or two, along with direc­tions for use.

Purchase $65 Gift Certificate:


» Total Pregnancy Fitness «

Com­bines fun cardio/aerobic activ­i­ties with deep breath­ing, cen­ter­ing, relax­ation and mobi­liz­ing floor work, tar­get­ed strength train­ing and yoga-based posi­tions for labor and birth in a one-hour for­mat. Time-test­ed, effec­tive pro­gram. Enroll­ment is ongo­ing. Sched­ule on the Take-a-Class page.



» Mom-Baby Fitness «

Com­bines a car­dio work­out with core recov­ery, re-align­ment, strength train­ing, and mom-baby exer­cis­es and games in an hour of joy­ous activ­i­ty. Bring: stroller, blan­ket, baby items as need­ed, car­ri­er if desired. Water and sneak­ers for you. Do not wor­ry if you are a lit­tle ear­ly late or early…we are adapt­ed for baby sched­ules!! Sched­ule on the Take-a-Class page.


» Parking Information for Yale Locations «
  • at Yale Health: The park­ing garage is free for the first 1.5 hours.
  • at the Yale Gym: Free park­ing for 2 hours behind the gym on Lake Place. Metered park­ing in front of the gym ($1.50/hour).

» Some Feedback from our Moms «
Thank you for taking me through the center of this amazing experience.” — SC

We made won­der­ful, life-long friends in pre/postnatal fit­ness.” — DK
